
Underwater film projections at H22 Cityexpo
Another pedagogic Art Installation of Marko T Wramén at the Helsingborg H22 City Expo summer 2022 was Vattenrummet – The Water Room – where thousands of visitors could walk into a purpose built room with underwater video projections on three walls plus the ceiling. All clips were filmed underwater in the ocean close to Helsingborg, and give visitors and immersive feeling of actually being underwater, despite being on dry land. The underwater sound, complete with the soothing sound of the diver breathing and exhaling bubbles, added to the experience.

Water Mirror sees +1000 participants at H22
Marko T Wramén’s interactive photo project Water Mirror was a part of Helsingborg’s H22 City Expo the summer of 2022, specifically their beautiful ocean pavilion Havoteket. During the 20 sessions had at Havoteket, well over 1 000 persons participated, having their underwater portrait taken in the unique Water Mirror set up designed by Marko. Here are just a few examples.

Artist talk at Falsterbo Photo Art Museum
3rd of August 2022, during her participation at the exhibition at Falsterbo Photo Art Museum, Anna W Thorbjörnsson was invited to hold an Artist Talk at the Museum.
During a well visited evening, Anna discussed her artistic and creative process, showing works from 2008 to 2022. She also invited pianist and composer Felix Tani to play some of his own pieces.

Exhibition at Falsterbo Photo Art Museum
April to November 2022, Anna W Thorbjörnsson participated in a major exhibition at Falsterbo Photo Art Museum. Under the title Undressed for success – Nude, Famous, Oysters & Champagne, original photo art from names like Anton Corbijn, Chen Man, David LaChapelle and Herb Ritts were exhibited. Anna got her own part, showing four of her photos, three of them owned by the Museum.
Marko T Wramén had one of his pictures there as well.

Photo Exhibition at Clarion Post Hotel Gothenburg
July 2021, Anna W Thorbjörnsson had a Photo Exhibition at Clarion Post Hotel in Central Gothenburg. At the vernissage, Jazz Artist Karin Funk performed.

Finalist and Merits at PhotoShoot Awards Nude 2020
In the 2020 edition of International Photo Competition PhotoShoot Awards Nude 2021, Anna was awarded Finalist in the category Freedom and three of her photos where awarded Merit in category Emotion. Also Marko received Merits for two photos and several photos from both Anna and Marko was selected as favourites by the competition organizers.
150 photographers from 38 countries participated.

Quarantine Queen at Falsterbo Photo Museum
1st of May 2021, Anna attended the grand opening of a new Fine Art Photography venue in Sweden – Falsterbo Photo Museum. Two Fine Art Photography Collectors from Malmö are the founders, Claes och Christina Lindquist. They came to Anna’s book release and exhibition of Quarantine Queen at Duxiana in October 2020, and ended up buying her Ballerina Triptyk.
Anna was very happy to see that our Quarantine Queen Book was very well displayed in the museum shop, including her photos.
Hopefully, there will be more happening with Anna & museum this coming autumn.

Quarantine Queen in Vi
The renowned monthly magazine Tidningen Vi (started in 1913) devotes a full page to Anna’s Quarantine Queen in their December issue.

Photobook Quarantine Queen, The Female Eye & other fabulous people
Anna’s Fine Art Photography Book is here! 152 pages coffee table book with stunning photos.
Order it directly from us or via physical or internet book stores, like Bokus.
This book is a selection from images shot over a period of twelve years, showing Anna’s style of capturing people in a creative, poetic and sometimes mysterious way.
Quarantine Queen is a photographic endeavour created at home, depicting the emotional roller coast of isolation. When the pandemic hit Sweden spring 2020, it changed everything. Anna’s frustration and creative restlessness resulted in a photographic self-portrait project about a fictional persona called Quarantine Queen, shot in her home. Quarantine Queen can be many things; entertaining, thoughtful, miserable, angry, frustrated and sometimes an extreme exhibitionist.
The Female Eye is a Fine Art Nude series raising questions about what makes a person a subject or an object in an image. The key words are integrity and strength. The Female Eye was shot during 2018 and 2019 and was internationally awarded. It was also selected for exhibition at the Festival Européen de la Nu in Arles, France 2019.
Passion of Portraits is a compilation of Anna’s best portraits of models, artists, singers and interesting people. Some of these images have travelled the world themselves, being displayed at opera houses in New York, Paris and Tokyo.
Photographer Anna W Thorbjörnsson has always been fascinated by people, with focus on portraits. In 2016 her first art photo project Waterlife won several international awards. 2019, her Fine Art Nude series The Female Eyewas recognized internationally and selected for exhibition in a 17th Century chapel at the Festival Européen de la Nu in Arles, France.
She has also been teaching photography at Fotografiska in Stockholm and is the author of eleven books. She now has her home in Malmö, Sweden but has also lived in Hamburg, Berlin, Budapest, Las Palmas and Stockholm.
Anna has a Master of Business Administration from Lund University and started photography after a career change from business life in 2008.

Book release and Photo Exhibition at Duxiana in Malmö
In October, 2020, we celebrated the release of Anna’s Fine Art Photography Book Quarantine Queen, the Female Eye & the Fabulous People with a photo exhibition at Beautiful Boutique Hotel and Restaurant Duxiana in central Malmö.

Quarantine Queen
When Covid-19 hit, we became stranded, just like everybody else. Stuck at home, Anna started a new photo project, called Quarantine Queen.
“The models are all locked up, I stay at home, creativity has to be released! At home is also my studio equipment and a ton of props. Today I start my new project using myself as a model and I will promise a lot of colour, some glam and an insight of what I try to do during these days. Some of you will love it, some of you will hate it for it’s shameless use of self – but I hope many of you will be entertained! And – feel free to join me under the hashtag #quarantinequeen!
Find more of the photos at Anna’s instagram:

The space between being born and dying. Some seconds matters more than others. The second we hear our newborn childrens first scream. The boom of skyscrapers falling down. Carved in memory, lasting an eternity. Time to slow down, feel the sensation of each touch from another. And remember all the times we were loved and touched. And will be again. ? Photo: ©2020 Anna W Thorbjörnsson

Ah, the loveliness of dressing up, stepping out and dancing all night long Berlin-style! Not today but I truly indulge in the joy of diving into the boxes of items and clothing collected over the years. ❤️ Today’s shoes are from Tokyo, wings from boutique Shock, glasses from an steam-punk artist in Kiev and the top bought during the carnival at Santa Cruz, Tenerife in 2016.
Thank you Marko for helping with the shot and 4-year old Gustav responsible for the very Berlin-style backdrop in his room, co-created with 4-yearold neighbor during an unattended half hour. ?
©2020 Anna W Thorbjörnsson

Steinkrug from Augustiner Bräu in Salzburg, dirndl picked up at the Zalando outlet in Berlin, garden built from interior of apartment.
Happy Easter! ????

Prisad av Naturskyddsföreningen
Naturskyddsföreningen arrangerade 2019/2020 en fototävling om våra vattenmiljöer kallad Underverket. Två av Markos bilder utsågs till vinnare.
Den första är tagen i lilla gulliga halländska Skällingesjön och visar näckrosor underifrån i. motljus.
Den andra bilden är tagen på ett vrak i Östersjön söder om Ystad och visar en torsk som dött i ett så kallat spökgarn, övergivna fiskeredskap som fortsätter att döda år efter år.
Mer information finns här.

Finalist in Photoshoot Awards 2020
Anna was once again rewarded at the Canadian photo competition Photo Shoot Awards Nude 2020 for her photo art in the series The Female Eye.

Big feature about The Female Eye in photo mag Kamera & Bild
In the August 2019 issue, major Swedish photography magazine Kamera & Bild is running an interview with Anna about The Female Eye as the main feature story. Front page photo and 15 (!) pages inside.

Exhibition of The Female Eye in Arles
Anna’s art project The Female Eye is being exhibited at the international photo festival Festival Européen de la Photo de Nu in Arles, France in May 2019.
Her photos are shown in one of the main venues, the church Saint-Anne at Place de la République.

Silver in Nordics UW-photo
Marko was awarded a class silver (wide angle with model), and overall 4th and several
Some of the photos are part of Anna’s & Marko’s ongoing art project Waterlife.

Awards for The Female Eye in Canada
Anna´s art project The Female Eye received multiple awards at the International photo competition PhotoShoot Awards Nude 2019 in Canada.
She was awarded finalist in two categories and merited in no less than seven.

Award at Competition in Canada
We received a merit award for some of our underwater photography at the international photo competition Photo Shoots Awards Nude 2019 in Canada.

Reich of Ran immersive micro opera scenography
In September 2018, it was Premiere for the Immersive Interactive Micro Opera Reich of Ran in Halmstad, Sweden, where we created the multi screen Film Scenography.

Stillhetens Hav (Sea of Tranquility) immersive video installation at Malmöfestivalen.
Immersive Underwater Film and Sound multi screen Installation Stillhetens Hav (Sea of Tranquility) exhibited in a container in central Malmö, Sweden, during Malmöfestivalen August 2018..
Finn lugnet i Stillhetens hav!
Allt fler känner sig allt mer stressade, både på arbetet och på fritiden. Till och med på Malmöfestivalen kan det bli hektiskt med höga ljud, trängsel och allt man vill hinna med att se och uppleva.
Då kan du kliva in i Stillhetens hav och känna hur all jäkt och stress rinner av dig. Här har Malmökonstnärerna och filmarna Marko T Wramén och Anna W Thorbjörnsson skapat ett rum där det med hjälp av projicerade undervattensfilmer och ljud känns som att du svävar i ett stilla hav.
Det är svårt att förklara men när du provar förstår du. Du blir alldeles lugn och avslappnad.
Max tre personer kan gå in åt gången i rummet. Där sätter du dig ner, tar på hörlurar och låter dig omslutas av undervattensvärlden. Filmerna är specialgjorda för detta och inspelade i södra Sverige.

Waterlife including video projections exhibited at Halmstads Teater
Extended version of Underwater Art Photography Project Waterlife including video projections exhibited at Halmstads Teater in Halmstad, Sweden in co-op with Halland Vocal & Opera Festival. Summer 2018.

Photo Exhibition about Cuba in Stockholm
Photo Exhibition about Cuba at Restaurant Dos Locos in Stockholm in conjunction with book release “66 favoriter på Kuba”.

Artistic photography for Halland Opera & Vocal Festival 2018
Artistic photography for Halland Opera & Vocal Festival 2018, produced during summer 2017.

Waterlife exhibited at Photo Gallery Capture Café in Malmö, Sweden.
Underwater Art Photography Project Waterlife by Marko T Wramén and Anna W Thorbjörnsson exhibited at Photo Gallery Capture Café in Malmö, Sweden.

Waterlife exhibited at Kunsthal 45 in Den Helder, The Netherlands
Underwater Art Photography Project Waterlife by Marko T Wramén and Marko T Wramén exhibited at Kunsthal 45 in Den Helder, The Netherlands. Autumn 2016.

Waterlife accepted and exhibited at Festival Européen de la Photo de Nu in Arles, France.
Underwater Art Photography Project Waterlife by Anna W Thorbjörnsson and Marko T Wramén accepted and exhibited at Festival Européen de la Photo de Nu in Arles, France. May 2016.

Art Photography book Waterlife
Art Photography book Waterlife in 2016 by Anna W Thorbjörnsson and Marko T Wramén.
ISBN 9789198242522
You can order directly from us or via fx adlibris:

Waterlife art project awarded in Canada
Underwater Art Photography Project Waterlife by Anna W Thorbjörnsson and Marko T Wramén awarded several prizes at International PhotoShoot Awards Nude 2016 in Canada.

Halland Opera & Vocal Festival 2016
Artistic photography for Halland Opera & Vocal Festival 2016, produced during summer 2015.

Photography Exhibition The Tub Project
Photography Exhibition “The Tub Project” at AngseliusRönn PR Agency, Stockholm, Sweden. May 2015

Photo exhibition/projection at Stockholm Burlesque Festival
Photo exhibition/projection at Stockholm Burlesque Festival, Stockholm, Sweden, October 2014.

Water Mirror interactive photo installation at festival 48h Neukölln in Berlin
Interactive photo installation Water Mirror by Marko T Wramén in Berlin, at art festival 48h Neukölln.

Shapes and Patterns photo exhibition
Photo exhibition Shapes and Patterns in 2014at Whitestar Gallery, Stockholm, Sweden. Marko T Wramén and Anna Thorbjörnsson.
We are surrounded by shapes and patterns all the time, everyday, everywhere. Some are man made. Others are natural. Sometimes we see them, sometimes they pass under our radar, out of habit or discretion.
In this exhibition, Anna W Thorbjörnsson and Marko T Wramén immerse themselves in the fascinating patterns and shapes of the underwater world. Here, in the most ancient of our eco-systems, shapes and patterns have evolved overbillions of years to fulfil needs of camouflage, communication and flirting.

Portrait Photography Exhibition Kungsholmen
Portrait Photography Exhibition “Kungsholmen” by Anna W Thorbjörnsson at Västermalmsgallerian, Stockholm, Sweden October 2013.

Book cover to novel by Jonas Bergh
In 2013, Marko T Wramén shot and designed this book cover for author Jonas Bergh’s 13th novel.

Photo exhibition Aquatic Light
Photo exhibition Aquatic Light by Marko T Wramén in 2013 during Photo biennale Fotografi i Fokus and Gallery Night at Galleri Spegeln, Malmö, Sweden.

Vattenspegeln interactive photo installation with Plattform Skåne and Gallery Rostrum
Interactive photo installation Vattenspegeln 2013 by Marko T Wramén in Helsingborg, Landskrona and Lund with gallery Rostrum and their Plattform outdoor exhibitions.

Art Music Video Deathbed with Christine Owman
Art Music VideoDeathbed with Christine Owman
Recorded underwater in 2013 by Marko T Wramén, awarded as runner up for Best Experimental Project at Action On Film International Film Festival in California.

Landscape Photography Exhibition Close to Coast
Landscape Photography Exhibition “Close to Coast” by Anna W Thorbjörnsson at Bastaskär, Halmstad, Sweden in November 2012, and at Whitestar Studio, Stockholm, Sweden in December 2012.

Video & live poetry performance at Eskilstuna Fringe and Pride Festival
Video & live poetry performance in 2012 at Eskilstuna Fringe and Pride Festival with poet Jenny K Lundgren – video by Marko T Wramén.

Art Film Wounded knee sings songs from Black Well
Underwater art film Wounded knee sings songs from Black Well by Marko T Wramén in co-operation with poet Jenny K Lundgren.
Premiered at Palladium, Malmö, during Malmöfestivalen in 2012, then second premiere at Biograf Spegeln, Malmö.

Trots Allt – Livet bakom muren Photo Exhibition
Trots Allt – Livet bakom muren Photo Exhibition by Marko T Wramén in 2012 at Art Cinema and Gallery Spegeln, Stortorget, Malmö, Sweden. In conjunction with the Gallery Night in Malmö and Arab Film Festival in Malmö.

Trots Allt – Livet bakom muren book
Hard Cover Photo Book by Marko T Wramén published 2012, documenting everyday life on the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

Interactive street poetry event “Kylskåpspoesi”
Interactive street poetry event “Kylskåpspoesi” at Malmöfestivalen in 2012 under the lead of poet Jenny K Lundgren with photos, book and online presence by Marko T Wramén.

Landscape Photography Exhibition Trips 2010
Landscape Photography Exhibition “Trips 2010” by Anna W Thorbjörnsson in co-operation with Selart Gallery, Aubergine Restaurant, Stockholm, Sweden. September 2010.