
Quarantine Queen
When Covid-19 hit, we became stranded, just like everybody else. Stuck at home, Anna started a new photo project, called Quarantine Queen.
“The models are all locked up, I stay at home, creativity has to be released! At home is also my studio equipment and a ton of props. Today I start my new project using myself as a model and I will promise a lot of colour, some glam and an insight of what I try to do during these days. Some of you will love it, some of you will hate it for it’s shameless use of self – but I hope many of you will be entertained! And – feel free to join me under the hashtag #quarantinequeen!
Find more of the photos at Anna’s instagram:

The space between being born and dying. Some seconds matters more than others. The second we hear our newborn childrens first scream. The boom of skyscrapers falling down. Carved in memory, lasting an eternity. Time to slow down, feel the sensation of each touch from another. And remember all the times we were loved and touched. And will be again. ? Photo: ©2020 Anna W Thorbjörnsson

Ah, the loveliness of dressing up, stepping out and dancing all night long Berlin-style! Not today but I truly indulge in the joy of diving into the boxes of items and clothing collected over the years. ❤️ Today’s shoes are from Tokyo, wings from boutique Shock, glasses from an steam-punk artist in Kiev and the top bought during the carnival at Santa Cruz, Tenerife in 2016.
Thank you Marko for helping with the shot and 4-year old Gustav responsible for the very Berlin-style backdrop in his room, co-created with 4-yearold neighbor during an unattended half hour. ?
©2020 Anna W Thorbjörnsson

Steinkrug from Augustiner Bräu in Salzburg, dirndl picked up at the Zalando outlet in Berlin, garden built from interior of apartment.
Happy Easter! ????